Friday, December 5, 2008

TV Geek Out 33: Grey's Anatomy, "These Ties That Bind"

The first episode after Dr. Hahn just got in her car and never came back to Seattle Grace featured an "accordioned homeless guy," introduced Melissa George as Meredith's sexy, edgy friend Sadie and marked the return of Denny ... as a ghost haunting Izzie. Why does Jeffrey Dean Morgan always play the dead guy on TV shows? The TV Geek Out Geeks marvel at the truly strange territory Grey's Anatomy is venturing into.

Check it out here and e-mail us at TVGeekOut at gmail dot com.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

TV Geek Out 32: 30 Rock, "The One with the Cast from Night Court"

The TV Geek Out Geeks would prefer to remember this episode as the one with cameos from some of Night Court's biggest stars than the one guest-starring Jennifer Aniston. To be fair, her game performance proved that she is a TV star first and foremost. Ken-doll had his biggest wish come true, we got tons of insight into Liz's views on relationships and sex, and the TV Geek Out Geeks are ready to start up a franchise of Aquarium nightclubs. Also, the Soup du Jour of the Day is piping hot!

Check it out here, and drop us a line at TVGeekOut at gmail dot com.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

TV Geek Out 31: True Blood, "To Love Is to Bury"

Lots of things came full circle on the penultimate episode of True Blood's first season -- namely, Jason and Amy's doomed relationship and the reveal of just who the killer plaguing Bon Temps really was. However, just as many stories and characters were set up or turned on their heads: "Freelance social worker" Maryann seems too good to be true, and newly-made vampire Jessica is less about God-fearing and more about hell-raising, much to Bill's chagrin. Oh, and Sam and Sookie almost kiss. It's these kinds of wild mood swings and mysteries that have the TV Geek Out Geeks already missing the show.

Check it out here, and drop us a line at TVGeekOut at

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

TV Geek Out 30: House, "The Itch" and "Emancipation"

TV Geek Out Geek Dana continues to school us on House's fifth season, giving us the skinny on "The Itch," which starred character actor extraordinaire Todd Louiso as an agoraphobic, and "Emancipation," which featured a 16 year-old whose arsenic poisoning was the least of her problems.

Check it out here, and drop us a line at TVGeekOut at gmail dot com.

Monday, December 1, 2008

TV Geek Out 29: Heroes, "It's Coming"

Heroes went back to the present with "It's Coming," but Hiro regressed to his 10-year-old mentality, and once again, it's all about Claire being special ("save the cheerleader, save the powers"?). Despite some cool scenes -- most of which involved Parkman, Daphne and Angela Petrelli -- the episode still lagged. "It" might be coming, but the TV Geek Out Geek's patience is definitely leaving.

Check it out here, and drop us a line at TVGeekOut at gmail dot com.