Thursday, October 21, 2010

TV Geek Out 178: Glee, "Audition" and "Britney/Brittany"

How has the TV Geek Out trio responded to Glee so far this year? Well, one of us is thinking our relationship with the show might be as dead as Don and Betty’s marriage on Mad Men. Find out who might be happier with a whole lot less Glee as Dana, Perry, and Heather debate the merits of pop tunes vs. showtunes, lament the lack of screen time for our favorite characters, and wonder if Glee’s Brittany S. Pierce has more talent than Britney Spears. Check it all out here.

Monday, October 18, 2010

TV Geek Out 177: Mad Men Season 4 Finale Reactions

And so season four ends not with a bang, but with a ring. It was a surprisingly mellow close to a season filled with darkness and upheaval -- if you can call a surprise engagement, a not-so-surprise pregnancy and an overdue business triumph within the span of an hour mellow. After watching the finale on Sunday night, we couldn't resist recording our initial thoughts about "Tomorrowland." Check them out here, and stay tuned for a more in-depth discussion!

TV Geek Out 176: Fall TV Premieres, Part 2

TV Geek Out returns with the second part of our discussion of all the fall TV premieres that we've been watching. We cover a lot more ground this time, chatting about new shows, returning shows, summer series we loved, and midseason series we can't wait to see, including Fringe, Undercovers, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, NBC Thursday-night comedies, Dexter, Rubicon, and much more! Check it all out here.