Monday, May 21, 2012

TV Geek Out 234: Mad Men, "A Little Kiss" (Parts 1 & 2)

Our long national nightmare is finally over! An eighteen-month Mad Men drought comes to a wonderful two-hour end with "A Little Kiss" or, as the episode is sure to be known forever and henceforth, "Zoobie Zoobie Zoo." Meghan throws a surprise birthday party for Don Draper, even though Dick Whitman turned 40 a few months ago, and all the movers and shakers from Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce are invited to share drinks -- and other substances -- at the married couple's totally mod apartment. Join TV geeks Perry, Dana, and Heather as they offer their insights on the episode and ruminate about what season 5 will bring to the characters on our favorite program. Check it all out here!

(Note: This 2-hour season premiere counts as 2 episodes of Mad Men, so the next chat we publish will be about episode 3.)