Tuesday, January 20, 2009

TV Geek Out 52: Lost, Season 4 Geek Out Review pt. 2

Are you as excited as we are for Lost's return?! Even though the TV Geek Out geeks only had time to rewatch the season 4 finale ("There's No Place Like Home") before geeking our hearts out about the season as a whole, we pooled our collective brain cells, focused on our constants, and managed to piece everything together. We also rave about season 4's brilliant structure and performances and shout out to some other works of art that share Lost's fondness for folding, spindling and mutilating the fabric of time. Perry, Dana and Heather turn the frozen donkey wheel and geek out about "Meet Kevin Johnson" to "There's No Place Like Home."

Check it out here.

1 comment:

Blair said...

Am I excited? Why, I sure am! Wednesday night, you know where I'll be...watching ABC from 8:00 to 11:00 pm! Thanks for the recap of Season 4 highpoints, as well as the highly intelligent (if sometimes wacky) commentary. I'm sure I'll be freaking out after the season opener, so there will be a lot more to post then! Rock on, Geeks! Let's get Lost!