Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TV Geek Out 147: Lost, "Everybody Loves Hugo"

"Everybody Loves Hugo" brought us the final Hugo Reyes episode of Lost. In contrast to the lighter tone of many Hurley installments, this one contained quite a lot of dire events. Ilana EXPLODED. Hurley blew up the Black Rock. Sideways Desmond drove his car straight into the wheelchair-bound Locke and sent him flying! UnLocke threw Island Desmond down a well!! Amidst these crazy developments, we got to see Sideways Hurley get the date he never had with Libby -- AND a kiss that awakened his island memories. On the island, Hurley dabbled with a leadership role among the Losties and convinced some of them to pay UnLocke a visit, while the trio of Richard, Ben, and Miles broke off on their own airplane-exploding mission. We also got another appearance of the mysterious young blond boy, visits from Ghost Michael, and an answer to the mystery of the island's cryptic whispers. Listen in as TV geeks Heather, Dana, and Perry discuss all the goings-on in this action-packed episode here.

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