Sunday, September 18, 2011

TV Geek Out 218: Boardwalk Empire, "Hold Me in Paradise"

TV Geek Out is back to finish up our coverage of Boardwalk Empire's first season! Here we discuss the eighth episode, "Hold Me in Paradise," in which Nucky takes a trip to Chicago for the Republican Convention and wheels and deals his way around town, eventually supporting the nomination of Warren Harding for president. Back in Atlantic City, Eli is temporarily in charge, and manages to start a porn fire and get shot in the gut while the casino is being held up. Meanwhile, Margaret has a run-in with Lucy and ends up slapping her, Van Alden's wife wants an expensive procedure to cure her infertility, and Angela hasn't been getting any money, or even a letter, from Jimmy. TV geeks Perry, Heather, and Dana discuss all this and more, including the tensions between Nucky and Jimmy, how Rothstein resembles a ventriloquist's dummy, and what Margaret might do with the incredibly detailed incriminating information she discovers in Nucky's ledger. Listen in here!

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