Well, we've been discussing the possibility for weeks, but now it's official -- Pushing Daisies' flagging ratings have led to its untimely demise. In probably the most disheartening premature cancellation in years, ABC has axed our beloved series. The happy little show about life and death never failed to deliver exuberant, joyful, human, genuine, fantastically delicious stories, with some of the most original characters and storylines to ever grace the small screen. From charmingly literary names like Olive Snook and Emerson Cod to the endearing characters themselves to the sardonically warm writing, the amazing eye-candy visuals, and everything else that made up the show, Pushing Daisies was the definition of Whimsy, with a capital W. The only consolation is knowing that the immensely talented people involved are likely to follow up their work on the series with similarly impressive projects. We look forward to seeing what Bryan Fuller cooks up next (or, if he returns to Heroes, just how awesome that show could get again); as well as to future appearances on the big and small screens by Lee Pace, Kristin Chenoweth, Anna Friel, Chi McBride, Ellen Greene, and Swoosie Kurtz -- and Jim Dale can narrate our TV shows anytime! We're glad we had you in our lives for a while, but Pushing Daisies, you will be greatly missed. You'd better bet we're going to enjoy every minute of the last seven episodes of the series. Stay tuned for more geeky discussions of each and every one.
Click here for more information regarding the cancellation.
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